CrossPlus Technical Service Support

CrossPlus Techncial Service provides value added service that go above and beyond the supply of products.
CrossPlus Techncial Service provides lubricant users the chance to tap into the expertise of Cross Oil.
CrossPlus Help Desk provides technical assistance to the Cross Oil community in the areas of product selection, cross reference, detailed product information and documentation support. Available at 855-230-4417.
CrossPlus Terminal Services provides real time logistic planning to optimize product supply chain requirements.
CrossCheck® Oil Analysis is an integral part of your equipments predictive maintenance program. Oil Analysis provides tools to alert you to conditions that lead to premature equipment failure or production losses.
CrossPlus Engineering Services will provide professional on-site services to customize a formal lubrication program. A properly managed equipment inspection and survey program can help increase reliability of equipment, optimize lubrication performance, standardize products and identify continuous improvement opportunities.
CrossPlus Techncial Service provides the opportunity to tap into the expertise of a world leader in lubricant technology. CrossPlus allows you to place your equipment into the trusted care of lubrication specialists to predictively lower your operational and maintenance costs.
CrossPlus Techncial Service provides a single source for all of your product and service requirements.
- Automotive and industrial lubricants
- Refinery base and process oils
- In-service monitoring of lubricants and lubricant applications
- Corrective action recommendations for fluid and equipment maintenance
- Provide the right product, right place and at the right time
- Extend system life, product stability and performance
- Expert system inspection, evaluation and recommendations
- Improve product stewardship through HSE recommendations
- Diagnose and prevent component failure
Cross Oil
484 East 6th Street
Smackover AR 71762
870.881.8700 Technical Service Department
855.230.4417 To Place an Order or Inquire on an Existing Orders for the Lubricants Division
800.864.6275 To Place an Order or Inquire on an Existing Order for Cross Oil Refining and Marketing